Files | Classes | Functions


file  IotrRefCount.h
file  SmartPointer.h


class  IotrRefCount
class  SmartPointer< T >


template<class T >
void IotrRelease (T **obj)
template<class T >
void IotrAddRef (T *const *obj)
template<class T >
void SpNil (SmartPointer< T > &sp)
template<class T >
void SpReferTo (SmartPointer< T > &sp, T *obj)
template<class T >
T * SpAsPointer (SmartPointer< T > &sp)
static void IotrRefCount::release (IotrRefCount **obj)
static void IotrRefCount::addRef (IotrRefCount *const *obj)

Detailed Description

Code to support reference-count garbage collection.

Function Documentation

void IotrRefCount::addRef ( IotrRefCount *const *  obj)

Increment the reference count of this object: it is more convenient to call the template function IotrAddRef(). The parameter obj contains the address of a pointer of type exactly (IotrRefCount *). In other words it can't be a pointer to an instance of a subclass. IotrAddRef() does not have this restriction.

See also
template<class T >
void IotrAddRef ( T *const *  obj)

Increments the reference count of obj. Objects are only deleted when their reference count becomes zero, so this call must be balanced by a call to IotrRelease to decrement the reference count when this object is no longer needed.

objthe address of a pointer to the object whose reference count is to be incremented. The pointer (*obj) will be unaltered.
See also
template<class T >
void IotrRelease ( T **  obj)

Release a reference to an object. If the number of references to obj becomes zero, delete the object.

objthe address of a pointer to the object to be released. On exit, this pointer (*obj) will be set to nil.
void IotrRefCount::release ( IotrRefCount **  obj)

Release this reference to obj: it is more convenient to call the template function IotrRelease(). The parameter obj contains the address of a pointer of type exactly (IotrRefCount *). In other words it can't be a pointer to an instance of a subclass. IotrRelease() does not have this restriction.

See also
template<class T >
T* SpAsPointer ( SmartPointer< T > &  sp)

Call SpAsPointer instead; returns a traditional pointer to the underlying object. This pointer has its reference count incremented so that it will continue to exist after the SmartPointer goes out of scope. Use this method to return a pointer to the object, or to create a new traditional pointer reference to the object

template<class T >
void SpNil ( SmartPointer< T > &  sp)

Set a SmartPointer to nil.

template<class T >
void SpReferTo ( SmartPointer< T > &  sp,
T *  obj 

Make a SmartPointer refer to the same object as a traditional pointer. The reference count is incremented. Use this function to keep a reference to a parameter of a routine.